Little Blue Heron

IMG_5402Little Blue Heron

I’ve seen Little Blues on Galveston’s east end several times this year and I’m beginning to think we might have some residing there now. In past years I had not seen them at all. This is the first mature one I’ve seen. I think all I’m lacking in North American Egrets and Herons is the Reddish Egret in white morph.

Oh, and the Great Blue Heron in white morph, but you have to go to the Everglades to see them, I believe.

Crested Caracara

There a few Crested Caracaras that reside here and I saw a pair of them land on the mud flat (once a pond before the drought) by Boddeker Road. I was quite far away and began to move closer but I (or something) spooked them right away. This one was kind enough to do a fly-by for me on the way out of the area. I think of these as Mexican Bald Eagles.

Roseate Spoonbill

In the same pond as the above Little Blue.

8 replies to “Little Blue Heron

      1. @Shannon that 400mm isn’t all that heavy, as long as you rest your arms frequently it is just fine. I have never used a tripod (though I am always looking for anything to steady the lens against.) I use auto focus (not sure exactly which mode) aperture priority, and crank the ISO to where I can option fast shutter speeds by dialing open the aperture. The Caracara was ISO 500 (high for full sun!) 1/4000th at f/7.1. Thanks for asking!


      2. Wow…thanks for that. Turned out to be a nice exposure combo. He’s just bright enough with the higher ISO.

        I also am not a tripod ‘lugger,’ so I have developed quite the neck muscles and biceps with the 150mm-600mm bird lens I use. Hope you’re enjoying your summer. We’re starting to see some migrants here already. Woo hoo! 😀


      3. Actually, the higher ISO gives me the 1/4000th shutter speed, and that freezes my camera jiggles and the bird’s motion. Correct exposure comes free. You could do the same thing on shutter priority and select 1/4000th and let the camera select aperture — pretty much same difference so long as the ISO is pushed up like that. f/7 gave me enough DOF to focus the whole bird. I’m just used to dialing aperture. Been doing it that way since I got this rig. Noise is the only reason NOT to push ISO but I am not pro and not worried about noise at all just posting to IG and the web. Yes Fall migration is coming up! Yay!

        Liked by 1 person

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